Our Response to Google’s Recent Decision

Earlier this week, Google announced that it was not going to deprecate third-party cookies in Chrome – a decision that’s garnered significant attention throughout our industry. As a beta partner with Google’s Privacy Sandbox, Nexxen had an in-depth understanding of the developments and concerns that led to this reversal. Despite this decision, though, the evolving landscape of privacy regulations and industry-wide signal loss still demands a robust identity resolution solution, and we firmly believe that a scalable approach to identity is essential for creating the best online experiences for buyers, sellers and consumers alike.  Having alternative identity-based solutions, in addition to continuing to support cookies, is crucial for everyone in our ecosystem to pursue more robust opportunities across devices and platforms. And at Nexxen, we take an agnostic approach to identity – our comprehensive, four-pronged strategy is designed to provide flexibility and ensure coverage and reach across all channels. More specifically, this approach involves: Universal ID SupportWe will support all major universal IDs, allowing us to create customized private marketplaces (PMPs), build target audiences and run campaigns through Nexxen DSP and Nexxen SSP. We are fully integrated with RampID, working on Unified ID 2.0 integration, and offer pass-through support for major universal IDs in our SSP. As new universal identifiers gain traction, we will support those as well, ensuring our clients have access to the most effective resources available.  Unified Identity GraphOur Unified Identity Graph combines multiple identity solutions into a single system for smooth cross-device targeting. This system allows for unified bidding across various IDs, boosting revenue potential and increasing reach. It also improves frequency controls at the device, person and household levels, providing a seamless and efficient advertising experience.  Contextual Solutions Nexxen’s proprietary contextual solutions, such as TV Content Targeting and Smart Contextual segments, enable advertisers to expand their reach across devices in a privacy-safe manner. Additional contextual solutions include Predictive Audiences and traditional keyword targeting, offering a wide range of options to meet specific campaign needs while maintaining user privacy.  Supply-Side Data and Curation Through Nexxen SSP, advertisers can connect directly with premium publishers, gaining access to first-party data for precise audience targeting. Our extensive supply footprint allows us to create curated PMPs and site lists for specific campaign requirements – which includes first slot ad inventory, high-attention content, sustainability and more – ensuring our clients’ campaigns are both effective and aligned with their brand values.   At Nexxen, we are committed to supporting multiple identity solutions, now and in the future. We view data – whether first- or third-party – through a holistic lens, ensuring that we remain adaptable and responsive to industry changes, and providing our clients with the solutions and insights they need to succeed in a dynamic and ever-changing advertising environment.  Google’s decision not to deprecate third-party cookies underscores the complexities of the current advertising landscape. But Nexxen remains dedicated to providing scalable, durable identity solutions that enhance online experiences for all stakeholders. By supporting a wide range of identity signals and offering advanced tools for targeting and amplification, we can ensure our clients are well-equipped to navigate the future of digital advertising.   Read Next

Our Rendezvous at Cannes

Last week, Nexxen had the pleasure of heading to the Cote d’Azur for the Cannes Lions. Read more about our time in Cannes here!

Life At Nexxen with Danielle Wolf

This month for Life at Nexxen, we spoke with Danielle Wolf, Director of Sales, West Coast. Danielle took us through her advertising career journey from media agencies to Nexxen, her most prized wins, and what she does in her free time.

Nexxen Connect: Q&A on Political Advertising with Ryanne Brown – Part 1

In our next edition of Nexxen Connect, Alex Johnson sat down with Ryanne Brown, Managing Director of Paid Media at Priorities USA. In Part 1 of their discussion, they explore the value of contextual advertising in political campaigns over other strategies and its relevance in a cookieless world.

Partner Spotlight with The Network

We recently sat down with Mike Moses, Creative Affairs & Brand Partnerships, from The Network. We discussed the newest streaming platform in the market and how The Network approaches both streaming and advertising differently. Read more of our conversation below:    Congratulations on the big launch! Now that The Network is officially out in market, can you tell us a bit more about what separates your service from the competition for viewers? With 8 original series this year (and nothing else) we are the ONLY premium streamer offering a star studded line-up for absolutely free! We aim to combat scroll fatigue by only bringing unique/buzzy original series to the platform and nothing else. We are the Robin Hood of the streamers if you will…   What about for advertiser partners? Our founders’ background is in the ad space, and agency world – we created a platform to be a better partner to advertisers, because we saw so many top streamers casting aside their partnerships as secondary to paid subscribers – We have the ability to offer concise audience segmentation – an in-house studio for free custom ad integrations – an attribution model built to the needs of each of our advertisers. And most of all – elevated brand loyalty and emotional connection from our subscribers – Much like wikipedia, our subscribers understand the need for ads to keep our platform free – and that elevates their connections to the brands keeping their premium content for free.    Ads are obviously a big part of the streaming experience. What role does programmatic play in your inventory monetization? We are a results based partner – naturally the nature of programmatic is at its core what we strive to support – We believe we can be an integral programmatic partner who offers a higher level of segmentation, targeting and customization along the way.   …it was within the first 15 minutes that we knew Nexxen was the unrivaled option – not only does Nexxen offer partnership in helping us push the boundaries on HOW we serve ads, but they also have an unparalleled support team that we feel truly has our backs and will move mountains to ensure we see success and in turn success for our advertisers…   We’re so excited that you’ve added the Nexxen Ad Server into your tech stack. What made Nexxen stand out from other options? After meeting with and kicking the tires on 7 different ad servers, it was within the first 15 minutes that we knew Nexxen was the unrivaled option – Not only does Nexxen offer partnership in helping us push the boundaries on HOW we serve ads, but they also have an unparalleled support team that we feel truly has our backs and will move mountains to ensure we see success and in turn success for our advertisers. No one in the space is more forward thinking – or prolific in how they approach the tech either.   Alright, time to spill the beans! Any teasers you can share with our readers about what’s comping up next for The Network? We are in the midst of our first two premieres with shows featuring  John Leguizamo, Steve Coogan, Paul Rudd, Sienna Miller, John C. Reilly  and Wanda Sykes – While we can’t reveal what’s next, we CAN say you can expect popular 90s IP re-imagined as Network Originals from top stars… Original Docu-series from top journalists, and original reality programming from internet breaking hosts! Stay tuned! It’s only the beginning!     Connect With Us Learn how you can effectively and meaningfully leverage today’s video and CTV opportunities with our end-to-end platform, data and insights. Contact Us

Reflections on the Programmatic Pioneers Summit

Nexxen Sales Director Rob Petherick joined a panel at the Programmatic Pioneers Summit in London to discuss all things omnichannel. Read more for his top takeaways and insights from the event – including a look at the rising power of ACR data.

Life At Nexxen with Jennifer Mandeville

In our latest installment of Life at Nexxen, we sat down with Mike Connon, Sr. Sales Director on the Strategic Sales Team. We discussed what it’s like to manage your own team, the skills you need in any sales role, and the musical start to his career.

Introducing the flexible, unified Nexxen Data Platform

Advertisers, agencies and publishers have become increasingly sophisticated as well as heavily reliant on data and technology to navigate a fragmented, rapidly evolving media landscape. Such massive industry evolutions shifted these key stakeholders from exclusively transacting on media to instead focusing more on their audiences, how best to understand target consumers and reaching these people holistically.  Data-fueled, innovative partners that can offer robust, yet granular capabilities will best support buyers and sellers to solve the challenging task of identifying as well as reaching target audiences in a privacy-safe way.    At Nexxen, we have invested in and built an incredibly advanced tech stack inclusive of a DSP, SSP and a robust DMP (data management platform). To put the scale of our data footprint into perspective, we work with over 1,000 advertiser and agency customers as well as over 1,600 publisher customers and have third-party data relationships with over 65 partners. We also have access to TV and streaming viewership data across millions of households through partnerships with major TV and streaming data players. Our platform has direct access to publish ads on roughly 225,000 sites and apps and handles roughly 199 billion daily ad requests. Roughly 86% of our campaigns are now data-enabled, and 39% of all campaigns are using our first party Nexxen data. We believe that as data becomes increasingly more valuable to our customers, so too is the value proposition of our platform. (source: Nexxen International Ltd. Fourth Quarter 2023 Financial Results Mar 6, 2024)  Today we are incredibly excited to announce our latest data solution for partners across the media supply chain: the Nexxen Data Platform.   The Nexxen Data Platform evolves our DMP to enable partners to license out our full suite of data capabilities. It provides a robust ecosystem to help these partners effectively maximize their target consumer relationships by offering a compliant, omnichannel, comprehensive and 360-degree view of valuable audiences.  Like the rest of Nexxen’s technology, we built the Nexxen Data Platform on top of our own and operated infrastructure.  We believe that as data becomes increasingly more valuable to our customers, so too is the value proposition of our platform. We believe that as data becomes increasingly more valuable to our customers, so too is the value proposition of our platform. For example, a buyer can directly onboard their own audiences and leverage Nexxen’s tools to create enriched audiences to activate across Nexxen’s unified tech stack or via select 3P DSP or SSP platforms through four key pillars:  Data onboarding:  we unite the buyer’s data assets like their first-party data with Nexxen data assets through our clean room capabilities to provide a comprehensive and privacy safe view of target customers  Data assets: These assets include unique sources that take that buyer’s data to the next level, such as exclusive ACR data from VIDAA, streaming viewership data from PeerLogix, 3P partnerships data and more.  Data applications: A buyer then taps into these enhanced data sets through Nexxen-exclusive applications like Nexxen Discovery, TV Intelligence and our Unified Identity Graph. Data activations: Once Nexxen’s applications create the enhanced, holistic audiences, the buyer can then activate against them through:           a. The Nexxen SSP and DSP         b. The Nexxen SSP via private marketplace deals (PMPs) with select third-party DSPs          c. Select third-party SSPs and DSPs  We look forward to seeing the multiple ways our partners leverage the Nexxen Data Platform, capturing as much data efficiency and impact as possible. For Nexxen, the Nexxen Data Platforms serves as another example for how Nexxen is well positioned for the continued industry evolution.  You can learn more about the Nexxen Data Platform at nexxen.com/nexxen-data-platform. Read Next